First Post, An Introduction!

Well I am at it again with another blog!
I have my travel blog -  
My book review blog (which sadly I have not been keeping up with) -    
And now this blog - which I think will be my most favourite one :) a new years resolution of sorts but starting three months late.

So recently I've started taking an online creative writing course through the local library - which is free (which is amazing). I have been writing on and off since high school and took a writing class in high school as well. I have written poems, short stories and even illustrated and wrote a children's book.

Since taking this writing program I have become more confident with my writing and more willing to share my ideas with others. It use to be just a select few that I would show but now I am comfortable with letting everyone read my work. My work is different and sometimes dark - I blame that on watching Criminal Minds a lot and reading crime/mystery novels but those are my favourite. I find them more engaging and worth the read other than series books.

Here I am going to dedicate posting a new piece of work each week - lets see how long that lasts - and am open to comments, ideas and even revisions by you guys. So feel free to post comments on my pieces - if you liked them, if you didn't, what you would change, elaborate on and so on. I'll try and post challenges each week to give me ideas and if you would like to participate that'll be great!

So for my first posting I will be posting the paragraph I recently wrote for my writing course, which I also posted on Facebook, but edited! Enjoy!

Professor Keating stepped out onto the platform beside the helicopter. “God I hate flying,” he said as he hopped out of his seat and onto the landing pad, he couldn't get out of there quick enough. The call had come just three hours before hand from Seattle, he couldn’t believe it once he had hung up the phone but nonetheless this was his job. He had packed a light suitcase and within the hour he was in Seattle. He was pushed and pulled in different directions by army officials, police officers and firefighters.
“Thank you for coming so quickly Professor! We had known the garbage can was experimental but we didn’t imagine this.” An officer yelled into his ear as the helicopter began to fly away. He recognized him right away from the many Skype calls they had done during the building phase, Officer Rhodes - she was much more attractive in person he thought. The Professor had created an environmentally friendly robot out of a garbage can to help clean up the streets – the first prototype was located in Seattle and would soon be launched in five other states in a matter of weeks. He had thought there would be some issues but nothing like this. In front of him stood the garbage can with half of a leg sticking outside of it. Within a blink of an eye the garbage can came to life and slurped back the rest of the leg and with a burp turned off once again.


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