Short Story : Quiet

I wrote this short story back in high school for the creative writing program I was taking at the time. I don't want to go into detail because I would like your opinion! Let me know what you think of it in the comments below :)

“Quiet.” She says as she looks down on her low and pitiful life.
“Everything was wrong, nothing was right,” she whispers.
She stands gazing down on what was her life. She gave it up to the highest bidder and was only worth $1.45 exactly. No FedEx truck came to pick her up and there was no shipping charge on her. She found her own way here. No one showed her where to go, no on needed to. It’ll be, as I never existed she says as she lowers her head and glares at the places she had been and the ones she wanted to see.
Too much she says in such little time. She had a figure of a teenager and the mind of an adult. They fought over what she should do. Her figure won most of the time but when her mind won she didn’t have to do anything. People decided for her. Sit here. Write this down. Have this done by Tuesday. Sit here. Smile. She stands above all her choices, not dead, but unable to do anything. Write this. Do this. Don’t even try. Smile. Unable to chose for herself, unable to show her true self. Sit here. Write this down. Have this done by Tuesday. Sit here. Oh and don’t forget to smile.


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